Phil Grossfield's Blog


Dad, What Is Memorial Day?

memorial dayDad, What Is Memorial Day? It’s important to me my kids understand what it is. But war is a concept my 11-year old and 8-year old just don’t quite get, yet, unless it’s within the context of Minecraft. So, I did my best. And then the questions came pouring in.

Dad, why is there war? Why do people want to kill each other? Why would anyone want to be a soldier if they’re going to die? Will Uncle Mike (NAVY) have to go to war again? Will I have to go to war? Why did those people crash into those buildings in New York…is that why we have Memorial Day? Why would someone kill himself to kill others…that doesn’t make any sense?

Part of me is glad they don’t understand it. But the other part realizes they must. So, because of the questions I showed them footage of 911…the planes crashing…people jumping, etc.  I explained that there are people in this world that want to destroy what we have. I explained there are people in this world that want to destroy anyone who isn’t just like them. I even explained there are people in this world that want to kill our family because we are Jewish. I explained there are people in this world that fear what they do not understand, and rather than learn about each other, their fear consumes them and baseless hatred results.

The purpose of Memorial Day is to pay tribute to those Americans that paid the ultimate price to protect us from these hateful people. And it is also a day to thank those currently serving, like Uncle Mike, for continuing to protect us. It was a heavy talk but I think they have a better understanding. And the questions kept pouring in all day and into the evening… 

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